5 Secrets of Happy Retirees


5 Secrets of Happy Retirees

Posted by Infinite Wealth Advisors, LLC
10 years ago | February 2, 2015

senior couple driving motorcycle with dynamic backgroundYou’re probably looking forward to your retirement with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Finally, after years of hard work and responsibility, you get to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. On the other hand, you may worry that you may eventually feel bored or unfulfilled. Since part of retirement planning should consider the big emotional changes in store, remember these five secrets of happy retirees.

Choose three or four hobbies. Retirees who stay busy tend to be the happiest. You probably plan to pursue some of your favorite hobbies in retirement, but which ones will be the most fulfilling? Happy retirees tend to pursue activities that keep them socially active, while those who practice solitary activities tend to report lower levels of satisfaction.

Nourish your relationships. Married retirees tend to be happier than single retirees, but only when the marriage is a happy one. As you enter your retirement years, make sure to do the work needed to keep the flame alive. Also, it’s worth noting that time with family is important – but not too much time. Retirees who live within ten miles of their adult children are less happy than those who keep their distance.

Rent. Home ownership can be a source of pride and fulfillment in your working years, but the situations changes when you retire. Many retirees feel burdened by the responsibilities of home ownership. If you decide to rent, consider moving to a community that provides more opportunities for social activities.

Keep working. For many of us, our identities are very tied up in what we do for a living. By quitting work abruptly, many retirees find themselves feeling regretful about losing their careers. Consider working part time in retirement, or taking on consulting work in your old field to keep you active.

Plan for financial comfort. Nothing is more stressful than worrying about your financial well-being. In the years preceding your retirement, meet often with your financial advisor to make sure your plans for financial comfort are on track.

14101 – 2015/2/13

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