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Five Ways a Roth IRA Can Benefit You
October 17, 2016

Retirement planning often involves a sea of complicated decisions, and we find ourselves tempted to compare each savings solution to all of the others. Way to bog yourself down in endless questions and comparisons! A simpler way might be to simply take a look at the merits of each savings…

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Annuities Enjoy a Resurgence in Popularity
October 10, 2016

When your parents and grandparents retired, they might have depended upon a combination of company pension and Social Security. If they did have their own retirement savings, they only had to live off of that money for about a decade. Now that many of us can expect to live 25…

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Changes Coming to Social Security and Medicare
October 3, 2016

A few months ago, we told our readers that experts had predicted Social Security checks would remain the same in 2017. In most years, a cost of living adjustment (COLA) is issued, but with inflation flat-lining near zero, it was forecast that a COLA would not be happening next year….

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How Top Bracket Earners Can Prevent Excessive Taxation
September 12, 2016

If your income places you in the top tax bracket, you’re in an enviable position by many people’s standards. But no one would envy your tax bill! Those who earn more than $400,000 annually (or $450,000 for couples filing a joint return) are hit with a shocking 39.6 percent federal…

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Qualified Charitable Distributions Are Now Permanent!
August 8, 2016

If you’re like most people, you enjoy making a difference in the world by giving to charity. You might also enjoy the tax deduction you can earn by doing so. But once you’re retired, your tax situation can change quite a bit, and you might need to structure your charitable…

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Will Social Security Issue a COLA Next Year?
August 1, 2016

Each fall, those drawing Social Security benefits look forward to the annual announcement regarding the cost of living adjustment (COLA). With COLA taking effect the following January, seniors living on a fixed income hope for a benefits increase of a few percent each year. This slight increase in checks helps…

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5 Signs of a Good 401(k) Plan
June 19, 2016

Many companies now offer a 401(k) retirement plan as a valuable incentive to recruit and retain the best talent. But since 401(k) plans are not all created equal, you might wonder whether your company is really all that competitive, or whether you need to take a more diligent approach to…

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Learn These Basic Facts About Social Security
April 18, 2016

One day, Social Security will comprise part of your retirement income. That’s the way it works for most of us, and yet a lot of people still don’t know much about the system. No one is saying you should memorize every rule and regulation; the system is too large and…

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Remember These Important Tax Deductions and Credits
April 11, 2016

Now that Spring is in full swing, it’s time to file your federal income taxes. The deadline to file your tax return this year is April 18, and if you’re like a lot of people you haven’t even gotten started! Try not to get into such a rush that you…

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One Route to a Stable Retirement Income
March 13, 2016

Can I really live off of my retirement fund for the rest of my life? What if I run out of money? What if I live much longer than I expected? Can I live on Social Security alone? Will I become a burden on my family? These are some of…

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