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Keeping Your Informed with Financial News and Tips

Pay Now or Pay Later?
January 4, 2015

If you’re like many people, one of your New Years resolutions may focus on paying off your outstanding debts. But before you strain your budget writing bigger checks at bill time each month, it helps to make a plan to pay down your debts. Generally speaking, a lower interest rate…

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An Update on Future Social Security Benefits
December 22, 2014

There are many important elements to remember as you’re planning for retirement, such as life insurance options, income from annuities, pension income, and the rising cost of medical care. Social Security is just one part of your overall retirement income picture, but it’s a very important part. Many retirees count…

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Put Your Raise to Work
December 15, 2014

Toward the end of the year, many lucky Americans learn that they have earned a raise at work. If you’re expecting to make more money in 2015, it can be easy to get carried away with plans for a new car or a luxurious vacation. But before you let that…

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Your Retirement: Has the Time Finally Arrived?
December 8, 2014

If you find yourself dreaming of retirement more than usual lately, you might just be having a bad week at work. On the other hand, you may be feeling emotionally ready or retirement. But are you financially ready? Ask yourself these five questions to see if retirement may be just…

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